Becky: Hi everyone, and welcome back to This is Upper Beginner Season 1 Lesson 19 - Making an Appointment with an Indonesian Doctor. Becky here. |
Fira: Halo. I'm Fira. |
Becky: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make an appointment with a doctor in Indonesian. The conversation takes place at a clinic reception desk. |
Fira: It's between Budi and the clinic receptionist. |
Becky: They’ll be using formal Indonesian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation. |
Lesson conversation
Budi: Selamat siang bu, saya ingin membuat janji dengan Dr. Indra. |
Penerima tamu: Baik. Tolong perlihatkan kartu pasien Anda. |
Budi: Silahkan. |
Penerima tamu: Terima kasih. |
(Beberapa menit kemudian) |
Penerima tamu: Jadwal praktik Dr. Indra, hari Senin sampai Rabu jam 8 sampai 12 siang. |
Budi: Bagaimana dengan hari Senin depan, sekitar jam 10 pagi? |
Penerima tamu: Untuk jam 10, dia sudah ada janji. Bagaimana dengan jam 10:30? |
Budi: Iya, boleh. |
Penerima tamu: Baik, saya akan menuliskan tanggal dan waktunya. |
Becky: Listen to the conversation one time slowly. |
Budi: Selamat siang bu, saya ingin membuat janji dengan Dr. Indra. |
Penerima tamu: Baik. Tolong perlihatkan kartu pasien Anda. |
Budi: Silahkan. |
Penerima tamu: Terima kasih. |
(Beberapa menit kemudian) |
Penerima tamu: Jadwal praktik Dr. Indra, hari Senin sampai Rabu jam 8 sampai 12 siang. |
Budi: Bagaimana dengan hari Senin depan, sekitar jam 10 pagi? |
Penerima tamu: Untuk jam 10, dia sudah ada janji. Bagaimana dengan jam 10:30? |
Budi: Iya, boleh. |
Penerima tamu: Baik, saya akan menuliskan tanggal dan waktunya. |
Becky: Listen to the conversation with the English translation. |
Budi: Good day ma’am, I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Indra. |
Clinic receptionist: Alright. Could you show your patient ID card, please? |
Budi: Here it is. |
Clinic receptionist: Thank you. |
(A few minutes later) |
Clinic receptionist: Dr. Indra's schedule is Monday to Wednesday, 8 AM to 12 noon. |
Budi: How about next Monday, around 10 in the morning? |
Clinic receptionist: He already has an appointment at 10 o’clock. How about 10:30? |
Budi: Yes, sure. |
Clinic receptionist: Alright, I will write down the date and time. |
Becky: Fira, what do you think of the Indonesian health care system? |
Fira: I think now we have a good system. It’s called Kartu Jakarta Sehat, and it's a health care card distributed to Indonesian residents by the DKI Jakarta provincial government so that they can enjoy health care benefits at a discount, or even sometimes for free. |
Becky: I guess since the launch of KJS, the number of patients in government-mandated community health clinics and hospitals has increased. |
Fira: That's right. Before KJS, the poor tended not to seek medical care because it was seen as too expensive. |
Becky: I’m glad to hear that’s changed. Okay, now onto the vocab. |
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is.. |
Fira: janji [natural native speed] |
Becky: promise, appointment |
Fira: janji [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: janji [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: pasien [natural native speed] |
Becky: patient |
Fira: pasien [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: pasien [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: kartu [natural native speed] |
Becky: card |
Fira: kartu [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: kartu [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: jadwal [natural native speed] |
Becky: schedule |
Fira: jadwal [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: jadwal [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: praktik [natural native speed] |
Becky: practice |
Fira: praktik [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: praktik [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: tanggal [natural native speed] |
Becky: date |
Fira: tanggal [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: tanggal [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: waktu [natural native speed] |
Becky: time |
Fira: waktu [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: waktu [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have.. |
Fira: hari [natural native speed] |
Becky: day |
Fira: hari [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: hari [natural native speed] |
Becky: And last.. |
Fira: perlihatkan [natural native speed] |
Becky: to show |
Fira: perlihatkan [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Fira: perlihatkan [natural native speed] |
Becky: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. In this lesson we have.. |
Fira: perlihatkan |
Becky: meaning "to show." |
Fira: The word perlihatkan is made up of the prefix - per, the imperative verb form, the root verb lihat, meaning “to see,” and the suffix - kan, which generally denotes commands. |
Becky: This word is only used in formal situations where you are requesting that someone show you something. |
Fira: Right. In casual situations, you can use the phrase kasih lihat instead. Kasih is a verb meaning "to give" and lihat is the verb meaning "to see." |
Becky: So literally this means "give see." Fira, can you give us an example using this word? |
Fira: Sure. For example, you can say.. Tolong perlihatkan jadwalnya pada mereka. |
Becky: "Please show the schedule to them." |
Fira: In this sentence, we have Tolong perlihatkan meaning “please show,” the object jadwalnya, meaning “the schedule,” then pada mereka, meaning “to them.” |
Becky: Okay, now onto the lesson focus. |
Lesson focus
Becky: In this lesson you’ll learn how to make an appointment at a medical facility. To make an appointment, it is necessary to communicate which day and what time you would like, so you can say something like “How about this Monday at 2 p.m.?” |
Fira: And for that, we’re going to first learn this pattern Bagaimana dengan hari … jam ...? After hari, you can add the day, and after jam, the time. |
Becky: Can you break the phrase down? |
Fira: Sure. Bagaimana means “how”. Dengan is a preposition meaning “with”. Hari is a noun meaning “day”. Bagaimana dengan hari. |
Becky: meaning “How about on..”. After this you can put any day, from Monday to Sunday. |
Fira: Right. And the last word in our phrase is jam, a noun meaning “hour.” |
Becky: Fira, let's remind our listeners of the names of the days of the week in Indonesian. I will say them in English, and you can say the Indonesian. |
Fira: Ok. |
Becky: "Monday" |
Fira: Senin |
Becky: "Tuesday" |
Fira: Selasa |
Becky: "Wednesday" |
Fira: Rabu |
Becky: "Thursday" |
Fira: Kamis |
Becky: "Friday" |
Fira: Jumat |
Becky: "Saturday" |
Fira: Sabtu |
Becky: "Sunday" |
Fira: Minggu |
Becky: Great. How would you say “How about on Monday?” in Indonesian? |
Fira: Bagaimana dengan hari Senin? |
Becky: and what about “How about Sunday?” |
Fira: Following our pattern, just replace Senin, meaning “Monday,” with Minggu, meaning “Sunday.” It will be Bagaimana dengan hari Minggu? |
Becky: Now let’s take it one step further. How would you say “How about on Saturday at 8 PM?” |
Fira: Simple. First say Bagaimana dengan hari Sabtu? |
Becky: meaning “And how about on Saturday?” |
Fira: then add jam meaning “hour.” Afterwards add the number and then the period of the day. |
Becky: Are AM and PM used in Indonesian? |
Fira: Actually, they’re not. In Indonesian, we use different nouns to indicate the time. For example, pagi is used to refer to the morning, siang refers to daytime, around 11AM to 2 PM, sore from 3PM to 6PM, and malam from 7PM to 12AM. |
Becky: So how would you say “How about on Saturday at 8 PM?” |
Fira: Bagaimana dengan hari Sabtu jam 8 malam? malam can be used for 7 PM to midnight. |
Becky: And what about “How about on Sunday at 12 PM?” |
Fira: It is Bagaimana dengan hari Minggu jam 12 siang? because siang can be used for 11 AM to 2 PM. |
Becky: And one last one… “How about on Wednesday at 4 PM?” |
Fira: That’s Bagaimana dengan hari Rabu jam 4 sore? sore can be used for 3 PM to 6 PM. |
Becky: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye! |
Fira: Sampai jumpa lagi. |
HideHow does the health insurance system work in your country?
Hi Linus,
thank you for pointing that out. We have updated the text. It is now "former governor".
Thank you for your comment!
The cultural insight has to be updated - it mentions that Ahok is the governor of Jakarta but he has long since been removed (and jailed for a while).