Hello and welcome to Indonesian Survival Phrases, brought to you by IndonesianPod101.com This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Indonesia. You'll be surprised at how far a little Indonesian will go. Now before we jump in, remember to stop by IndonesianPod101.com. And there you’ll find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. |
Indonesian Survival Phrases Lesson 47. Medical Assistance |
In today’s lesson we'll introduce you to some phrases useful in the case you need medical assistance. When traveling sometimes the body takes a little time to adjust, and the immune system is no different. So today we'll go over some phrases that will help get you to a location where you can get medical assistance. |
We'll start with the phrase "I need a doctor." |
In Indonesian "I need a doctor." is Saya perlu ke dokter. Let’s break it down by syllable, Sa-ya per-lu ke dok-ter. Now let’s hear it once again, Saya perlu ke dokter. The first word saya means "I" or "me." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time. Sa-ya. saya. This is followed by perlu, which in Indonesian is "need." perlu. per-lu. perlu. So to recap here, we have saya perlu. Literally this means "I need." Let's take a look at the next word ke which means "to" or "toward." ke. ke. Finally, we have dokter which means "doctor." dok-ter. dokter. So altogether we have Saya perlu ke dokter. Literally this means "I need to doctor." |
If things aren't too bad, perhaps you only need to get to a pharmacy. In Indonesian "I need a pharmacy." is Saya perlu ke apotik. Let’s break it down by syllable sa-ya per-lu ke a-po-tik. Now let’s hear it once again Saya perlu ke apotik. Notice the only thing that changes here is the word for pharmacy. Apotik. a-po-tik. apotik. The rest stays the same. |
Now if you need to get there or would like someone to take you, you can use the following phrase. "Please take me to the doctor." which is Minta tolong bawa saya ke dokter! Let’s break it down by syllable min-ta to-long ba-wa sa-ya ke dok-ter. Now let’s hear it once again Minta tolong bawa saya ke dokter. The first word minta means "to request" or "ask for." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time, min-ta. minta. Our next word tolong means "help" or "please do something for me." tolong. to-long. tolong. This is followed by bawa, which in Indonesian is "to bring." Bawa. ba-wa. bawa. So to recap here, we have minta tolong bawa. Literally this means "I ask to please bring." Let's take a look at the next word saya which means "I" or "me" as we've already mentioned. Saya. After that, we have our preposition ke, which means "to" or "toward." Ke. Finally, we have our familiar word for "doctor," which is dokter. dok-ter. dokter. So altogether we have Minta tolong bawa saya ke dokter! Literally this means "Please take me to the doctor!" |
And of course, for the pharmacy you can just substitute the word for pharmacy and get Minta tolong bawa saya ke apotik! which means "Please take me to the pharmacy." Once again, Minta tolong bawa saya ke apotik! Min-ta to-long ba-wa sa-ya ke a-po-tik! The only difference here is that we've replaced the word for "doctor" dokter with the word for "pharmacy." apotik. Let’s hear it again Minta tolong bawa saya ke apotik! |
And just for insurance purposes we should cover the phrase, "Please call an ambulance." Which is Minta tolong hubungi ambulans. Let’s break it down by syllable min-ta to-long hu-bung-i am-bu-lans. Now let’s hear it once again minta tolong hubungi ambulans. We already know the first two words of this phrase. The first word minta means "to request" or "ask for." minta. And the second word tolong means "help" or "please do something for me." tolong. This is followed by the word hubungi, which in Indonesian is "to contact someone." hubungi. hu-bung-i. Finally we have ambulans which means "ambulance." ambulans. am-bu-lans. ambulans. So altogether we have Minta tolong hubungi ambulans. Literally this means "Please contact the ambulance for me." |
The phone numbers for an ambulance in Indonesia are 118 and 119. |
Medical services in Indonesia to be honest are not up to par with those of countries with more developed medical service systems. The capital city of Jakarta, there are couple hospitals that provide decent care and surroundings. In other places however there are plenty of private doctors who have clinics. But these clinics usually have unusual opening hours, no appointments and limited consultation times due to the likely chance that there will be many patients present. Even then, most of these doctors are likely to over-prescribe antibiotics or some other generic medicines for your ailments. |
Okay to close out today’s lesson we’d like for you to practice what you’ve just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for saying the Indonesian phrase out loud or in Indonesian, dengan keras. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer so selamat sukses, that means "good luck!" in Indonesian. |
All right so here we go! |
“I need a doctor.” (Saya perlu ke dokter. Sa-ya per-lu ke dok-ter. Saya perlu ke dokter.) |
“I need a pharmacy.” (Saya perlu ke apotik. Sa-ya per-lu ke apo-tik. Saya perlu ke apotik.) |
“Please take me to a doctor!” (Minta tolong bawa saya ke dokter. Min-ta to-long ba-wa sa-ya ke dok-ter. Minta tolong bawa saya ke dokter.) |
“Please take me to a pharmacy.” (Minta tolong bawa saya ke apotik. Min-ta to-long ba-wa sa-ya ke a-po-tik. Minta tolong bawa saya ke apotik.) |
“Please call an ambulance.” (Minta tolong hubungi ambulans. Min-ta to-long hu-bung-i am-bu-lans. Minta tolong hubungi ambulans.) |
Alright, that's going to do it for today! |
Remember to stop by IndonesianPod101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF. When you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. |