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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Indonesian Social Media Phrases Season 1 Lesson 20 - Arriving Home
Becky: Hi, everyone. I'm Becky.
Fira: And I'm Fira.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Indonesian about returning home after a trip. Susi returns home after a vacation, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment.
Fira: Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha
Becky: Meaning - "Back to reality, hahaha." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Susi: Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha
(clicking sound)
Indra: Kita harus segera membereskan rumah.
Sri: Bagaimana liburannya?
Adam: Sampai ketemu di kantor besok.
Johan: Oleh-olehnya mana, Tante?
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Susi: Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha
Becky: "Back to reality, hahaha."
(clicking sound)
Indra: Kita harus segera membereskan rumah.
Becky: "We have to clean the house immediately."
Sri: Bagaimana liburannya?
Becky: "How was your holiday?"
Adam: Sampai ketemu di kantor besok.
Becky: "See you at work tomorrow."
Johan: Oleh-olehnya mana, Tante?
Becky: "Where is my souvenir, Aunty?"
Becky: Listen again to Susi's post.
Fira: Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha
Becky: "Back to reality, hahaha."
Fira: (SLOW) Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha (Regular) Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "back to reality."
Fira: Kembali ke kenyataan
Becky: This expression can be used after you return from a vacation. Listen again - "back to reality" is...
Fira: (SLOW) Kembali ke kenyataan (REGULAR) Kembali ke kenyataan
Becky: Then comes the phrase "hahaha."
Fira: hahaha
Becky: Listen again - "hahaha" is...
Fira: (SLOW) hahaha (REGULAR) hahaha
Becky: All together, it's "Back to reality, hahaha."
Fira: Kembali ke kenyataan, hahaha
Becky: In response, Susi's friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her husband, Indra, uses an expression meaning - "We have to clean the house immediately."
Fira: (SLOW) Kita harus segera membereskan rumah. (REGULAR) Kita harus segera membereskan rumah.
Fira: Kita harus segera membereskan rumah.
Becky: Use this expression to say something must be done.
Becky: Her neighbor, Sri, uses an expression meaning - "How was your holiday?"
Fira: (SLOW) Bagaimana liburannya? (REGULAR) Bagaimana liburannya?
Fira: Bagaimana liburannya?
Becky: Use this expression to ask about the trip.
Becky: Her supervisor, Adam, uses an expression meaning - "See you at work tomorrow."
Fira: (SLOW) Sampai ketemu di kantor besok. (REGULAR) Sampai ketemu di kantor besok.
Fira: Sampai ketemu di kantor besok.
Becky: Use this expression if you work at the same office.
Becky: Her nephew, Johan, uses an expression meaning - "Where is my souvenir, Aunty?"
Fira: (SLOW) Oleh-olehnya mana, Tante? (REGULAR) Oleh-olehnya mana, Tante?
Fira: Oleh-olehnya mana, Tante?
Becky: Use this expression to leave a funny comment.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about returning home after a trip, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Fira: Dadah.

