
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Hi, everyone! This is Lower Beginner Season 1, Lesson 8: “You Can Always Talk About the Weather in Indonesia!” Becky here!
Fira: Halo. I'm Fira.
Becky: Fira, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
Fira: In this lesson, you’ll learn to how to discuss the current and recent weather, and the weather forecast for the near future.
Becky: The conversation takes place at an outdoor cafe.
Fira: It’s between Diah and Putra.
Becky: Since the speakers are friends, they’ll be speaking informal Indonesian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Diah: Cuaca hari ini bagus.
Putra: Tapi hari ini mendung.
Diah: Iya sih, tapi tidak panas dan tidak hujan.
Putra: Ramalan cuaca besok lebih bagus. Hangat dan cerah.
Becky: Listen to the conversation slowly one more time.
Diah: Cuaca hari ini bagus.
Putra: Tapi hari ini mendung.
Diah: Iya sih, tapi tidak panas dan tidak hujan.
Putra: Ramalan cuaca besok lebih bagus. Hangat dan cerah.
Becky: Now, let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Diah: Cuaca hari ini bagus.
Diah: The weather today is good.
Putra: Tapi hari ini mendung.
Putra: But it’s cloudy today.
Diah: Iya sih, tapi tidak panas dan tidak hujan.
Diah: Right, but it’s not hot and not raining.
Putra: Ramalan cuaca besok lebih bagus. Hangat dan cerah.
Putra: The weather forecast for tomorrow is better. Warm and sunny.
Becky: What’s the weather like in Indonesia?
Fira: Well, you know that Indonesia is located on the equator. The sun is always high in the sky, so the temperature is always high. Indonesia is made up of many islands, and since they’re surrounded by the ocean, we have high humidity in the rainy season as well as in dry season.
Becky: Do you get a lot of rain?
Fira: Yes, the rainy season is between October and April, while the dry season is between May and September. But with global warming, we’ve been having rain during the dry season too!
Becky: Does it rain all over the country, or mostly in one area?
Fira: All over, especially during the rainy season. But rainfall in the western part of Indonesia is higher than the central and eastern parts. We have to be careful when we have heavy rains.
Becky: Why is that?
Fira: Because rainfalls often cause landslides or floods. Floods can result in many diseases such as dengue fever, diarrhea or skin diseases.
Becky: That’s too bad. How can you prevent them?
Fira: Well, it’s important to build awareness about keeping the environment clean in order to prevent the blockage of waterways. We can prevent some flooding and diseases this way.
Becky: That’s good to know. Okay, now on to the vocabulary.
Becky: Let’s review the vocabulary words from this lesson. The first word is...
Fira: ...cuaca. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Weather.”
Fira: Cuaca. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Cuaca. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next we have...
Fira: ...bagus. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Good.”
Fira: Bagus. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Bagus. [natural native speed]
Becky: Our next word is...
Fira: ...hari. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Day.”
Fira: Hari. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Hari. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next...
Fira: ...mendung. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Cloudy.”
Fira: Mendung. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Mendung. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next we have...
Fira: ...hujan. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Rain.”
Fira: Hujan. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Hujan. [natural native speed]
Becky: The next one is...
Fira: ...besok. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Tomorrow.”
Fira: Besok. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Besok. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next we have...
Fira: ...hangat. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Warm.”
Fira: Hangat. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Hangat. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next...
Fira: ...cerah. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Sunny.”
Fira: Cerah. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Cerah. [natural native speed]
Becky: The last word is...
Fira: ...ramalan. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Forecast.”
Fira: Ramalan. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Ramalan. [natural native speed]
Becky: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Fira: ...ramalan cuaca.
Becky: Meaning "weather forecast."
Fira: Ramalan is a noun that means "forecast" or "prediction." It comes from the root word ramal, which is a verb meaning "to predict" and the suffix -an, which creates a noun when it’s attached to the verb. Cuaca means "weather."
Becky: When can we use this phrase?
Fira: You can use this phrase when talking about the forecast for the weather.
Becky: Can you give us an example?
Fira: Sure! Bagaimana ramalan cuaca untuk besok?
Becky: "How is tomorrow's weather forecast?"
Fira: You can also use ramalan for other types of predictions. For example, when referring to a horoscope or astrological prediction, you can say ramalan bintang. For fortune telling, you can say ramalan keberuntungan.
Becky: Okay, next we have...
Fira: ...lebih bagus.
Becky: Meaning "better."
Fira: That’s right. Lebih is an adverb that means "more," and bagus is an adjective meaning "good," "nice," or "beautiful." Lebih bagus literally means “more nice” or “more good,” so we use this when we want to compare items and say that one is “better.”
Becky: When can we use this phrase?
Fira: Well, lebih bagus is usually used to compare something that you can see, but for things that aren’t tangible, such as someone's character, you can use the word lebih baik. Baik means "good" too, but it’s used for something intangible. For example, kamu lebih baik berolahraga agar sehat, means, "You better exercise to be healthy."
Becky: Great! Can you give us an example with our key word?
Fira: Sure! Gaun ini lebih bagus daripada yang itu.
Becky: Meaning, "This dress is better than that one." Okay, now on to the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn about how to use common phrases for discussing recent weather and weather in the near future.
Fira: In the dialogue, we heard Diah say, cuaca hari ini bagus.
Becky: Meaning, “The weather today is good.” Fira, can you explain how we talk about the weather?
Fira: It’s actually very simple. Usually, when expressing the weather conditions or a temperature, we simply say the adjective and omit the phrase "It's." For example, instead of saying "It's hot," Indonesian people simply say "Hot." There’s no pronoun or verb. Other people will naturally understand that you’re talking about the weather or the temperature.
Becky: That sounds pretty simple. Can you give us some more examples?
Fira: Of course!
Becky: Listeners, check out the chart in the lessons notes and follow along.
Fira: Panas.
Becky: “It’s hot.”
Fira: Dingin.
Becky: “It’s cold.”
Fira: Berangin.
Becky: “It’s windy.”
Fira: You can put the word cuacanya before the adjective. This means "the weather is..." For example, cuacanya cerah.
Becky: “The weather is sunny.”
Fira: Cuacanya bagus.
Becky: “It’s good weather.”
Fira: Cuacanya buruk.
Becky: “It’s bad weather.”
Fira: Bagaimana cuacanya?
Becky: Meaning, “What’s the weather like?” Fira, how do we talk about the weather forecast, for example, the weather for tomorrow?
Fira: If you want to talk about the weather in the future, you just have to add a time signal at the beginning of the sentence.
Becky: What kind of time signals?
Fira: Well, we can say besok for “tomorrow,” malam ini for “tonight,” lusa for “the day after tomorrow,” and minggu depan for “next week.” Here are some examples for talking about the weather forecast.
Becky: Fira will give you the Indonesian phrase, and I’ll give you the English translation. Follow along with the lesson notes!
Fira: Akan menjadi berkabut besok.
Becky: "It will be foggy tomorrow."
Fira: Akan menjadi berangin besok pagi.
Becky: "It will be windy tomorrow morning."
Fira: Akan menjadi mendung hari Sabtu.
Becky: "It will be cloudy saturday."
Fira: Akan menjadi lembab malam ini.
Becky: "It will be humid this evening."
Fira: Akan ada angin topan minggu depan.
Becky: "There will be a typhoon next week.”
Fira: Akan turun hujan sore ini.
Becky: "It will be raining this afternoon." Listeners, be sure to check out the lesson notes for more details!
Fira: Listeners, looking for a cheat sheet to memorize Indonesian vocabulary? Have you checked out our Video Vocab series?
Becky: These themed video lessons combine visual cues with the voices of native speakers.
Fira: Just another effective method of learning and retaining thousands of vocabulary words.
Becky: Go to IndonesianPod101.com...
Fira: ...click on the Video Lessons tab...
Becky: ...and hit play!
Fira: It’s that easy.
Becky: But don’t take our word for it.
Fira: Try it for yourself at IndonesianPod101.com.


Becky: Thank you for listening, everyone. See you next time!
Fira: Sampai jumpa lagi!

