Dialogue - Indonesian


Vocabulary (Review)

sekarang now
topi hat
karena because
bukan not (only used to negate nouns)
musim panas summer
luar outside
panas hot
kamu you
saya I, me

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The Focus of this Lesson is on Pronouns that Indicate Ownership or Possession.
Di mana topi saya

"Where's my hat?"


In Indonesian, possessive pronouns denote belonging. The structure is the noun, plus the pronoun. This is the reverse of English. Below is a chart with each pronoun with their English translation.

English Pronoun

Indonesian Pronoun


I, my


buku saya ("my book"); sepatu saya ("my shoes")



buku kamu ("your book"); sepatu kamu ("your shoes")

his, her


buku-buku dia ("his/her books")



sepatu-sepatu kami ("our shoes")



buku-buku mereka ("their books")


Tips: Please note that when you have more than one of the same item, you can repeat the noun twice to indicate that it's a plural noun. For example, buku means "book;" buku-buku means "books."

Examples from the dialogue:

  1. Di mana topi saya?
    "Where's my hat?
  2. Bukan, itu topi kamu.
    "No, that's your hat."

For example:

  1. Ini buku saya.
    "This is my book."
  2. Ini buku kamu.
    "This is your book."
  3. Ini buku kami.
    "This is our book."
  4. Ini buku dia.
    "This is his/her book."
  5. Ini buku mereka.
    "This is their book."
  6. Ini bukan tas saya.
    "This is not my bag."
  7. Ini uang kembalian kamu.
    "This is your change."
  8. Ini buku-buku saya.
    "These are my books."
  9. Apakah ini sepatu-sepatu kamu?
    "Are these are your shoes?" 

When the noun is plural, you can indicate plurality by saying the word "all," instead of repeating the noun twice. This is used in more casual situations. 


Sample Sentences


  1. Ini semua buku saya.
    "All of these are my books."
  2. Ini semua sepatu kamu?
    "Are all of these your shoes?"


Key Vocabulary & Phrases

topi saya ("my hat")

The first word in this phrase, topi, means "hat." The second word saya is a possessive pronoun meaning "I; me; my; or mine;" in this case it means "my."

Here's a sentence using this phrase: Topi saya ketinggalan di rumah., meaning, "I forgot my hat at home."

Please note that, unlike English, pronouns are placed after the noun in Indonesian. The noun topi can be substituted for another objects in the phrase. 

When you have plural nouns, such as when you have two hats, you simply state the noun twice. For example, topi-topi saya means "my hats."


musim panas ("summer")

Musim means "season," and panas means "hot." Altogether, it means "hot season," or more appropriately, "summer." In Indonesia, the adjective is placed after the noun, for a structure that is literally written as "season hot." 

Because Indonesia has a tropical climate, it has two main seasons-dry and wet. The summer months are dry, but this season is not called "summer;" instead, it's referred to as musim kemarau, or the "dry season." The wet season is called musim hujan.

To describe "summer," as it would be in a temperate climate with four seasons, use musim panas. For example, pada musim panas, banyak orang yang berjemur di pantai Bondi; meaning "In the summer, many people are sunbathing on Bondi beach." "Spring" is musim semi; "fall" is musim gugur; and "winter" is musim dingin


panas sekali ("very hot")

Panas is an adjective meaning "hot," and sekali is an intensifier meaning "very." Unlike in English, the intensifier sekali, meaning "very," is placed after the adjective for a structure that is written as "hot very."

Panas is used to describe the temperature of an object; it does not refer to a spicy taste or popular object.  For example, kopi ini panas sekali, meaning, "This coffee is very hot." The opposite is "very cold," or dingin sekali, with dingin meaning "cold." "Very warm" is hangat sekali. 

Cultural Insights

Summer in Indonesia


Indonesia sits on the equator, a location resulting in a climate that's hot and tropical year round. The average temperature is 25°C to 32°C (77°F to 89°F). Unlike temperate climates that generally have four seasons in the year, Indonesia's climate only has two seasons: a dry season (musim kemarau) and a wet season (musim hujan). The dry season occurs between May and September, with the wet season between October and April. The wet season is characterized by frequent rain showers, humidity, and even flash flooding. For this reason, the peak tourist season occurs during the dry season when the weather is more predictable and comfortable. 


Lesson Transcript

Becky: Hi everyone! Welcome to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Season 1, Lesson 1: You'll Need a Hat to Survive the Indonesian Summer!
Fira: Halo! I'm Fira.
Becky: Fira, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
Fira: In this lesson, we’ll learn to how to use possessive pronouns to indicate ownership.
Becky: The conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Fira: And it’s between Maya and Eka.
Becky: Since the speakers are friends, they’ll be speaking informal Indonesian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Maya: Panas di luar.
Eka: Iya, panas sekali. Karena musim panas sekarang.
Maya: Di mana topi saya?
Eka: Ini bukan?
Maya: Bukan, itu topi kamu.
Becky: Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly
Maya: Panas di luar.
Eka: Iya, panas sekali. Karena musim panas sekarang.
Maya: Di mana topi saya?
Eka: Ini bukan?
Maya: Bukan, itu topi kamu.
Becky: Now, let’s listen to the English translation.
Maya: Panas di luar.
Maya: It's hot out there.
Eka: Iya, panas sekali. Karena musim panas sekarang.
Eka: Yeah, really hot. It’s because summer's here.
Maya: Di mana topi saya?
Maya: Where's my hat?
Eka: Ini bukan?
Eka: Uh, is this it?
Maya: Bukan, itu topi kamu.
Maya: No, that's your hat.
Becky: It seems that summer in Indonesia is rather hot, right?
Fira: It sure is! Indonesia sits on the equator, so it’s tropical and hot year round. But the best season is summer.
Becky: Why so?
Fira: Because that’s the dry season. Unlike the United States, Indonesia only has two seasons in the year—wet and dry. The wet season is between October and April, and the dry season is between May and September.
Becky: So the dry season is hot, but not rainy?
Fira: That’s right. During the wet season, it’s hot, humid, and rainy. Some places have rain showers every day, and even flash flooding. That’s why most tourists visit during the dry season. You may be hot, but at least you’re not stuck in the rain!
Becky: Well, that’s good to know. Listeners, be sure to plan your travel to Indonesia during the dry season to get the best weather. Now, let’s move on to our vocabulary.
Becky: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is...
Fira: ...panas. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Hot.”
Fira: Panas. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Panas. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next we have...
Fira: ...musim panas. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Summer.”
Fira: Musim panas. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Musim panas. [natural native speed]
Becky: Our next word is...
Fira: ...topi. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Hat.”
Fira: Topi. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Topi. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next we have...
Fira: ...saya. [natural native speed]
Becky: “I” or “me.”
Fira: Saya. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Saya. [natural native speed]
Becky: The next word is...
Fira: ...kamu. [natural native speed]
Becky: “You.”
Fira: Kamu. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Kamu. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next...
Fira: Sekarang. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Now.”
Fira: Sekarang. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Sekarang. [natural native speed]
Becky: Next we have...
Fira: ...bukan. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Not.” This word is only used to negate nouns.
Fira: Bukan. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Bukan. [natural native speed]
Becky: The next word is...
Fira: ...luar. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Outside.”
Fira: Luar. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Luar. [natural native speed]
Becky: Our final word is...
Fira: ...karena. [natural native speed]
Becky: “Because.”
Fira: Karena. [slowly - broken down by syllable] Karena. [natural native speed]
Becky: Let's have a closer look at some of these words and phrases from our lesson. The first phrase is...
Fira: ...topi saya.
Becky: Meaning "my hat."
Fira: The first word topi means "hat," and the second word, saya, is a pronoun meaning "I; me; my; or mine." In this case, it’s "my."
Becky: Fira, how do we use this phrase?
Fira: Well, we use this phrase to indicate possession of objects. You can replace topi with any other object to show that it’s yours. For example, tas saya.
Becky: Meaning “my bag.”
Fira: That’s right! Now, when you have two or more of the same object, you simply say the word twice. For example, topi-topi saya means “my hats."
Becky: Please note that, unlike English, the pronoun is placed after the object. Fira, can you give us a sentence with this phrase?
Fira: Sure! Topi saya ketinggalan di rumah.
Becky: "I forgot my hat at home." Okay, our next phrase is...
Fira: ...musim panas.
Becky: Meaning "summer."
Fira: The first word musim means "season," and panas means "hot." Altogether, it literally means "hot season." The adjective “hot” is placed after the noun, “season.”
Becky: Is this the same as the dry season in Indonesia?
Fira: Not quite. If you recall, because Indonesia is tropical, it has two main seasons—dry and wet. The summer months are dry, but we call this season musim kemarau, or the “dry season.” The wet season is called musim hujan.
Becky: I see. Well, can you give us a sentence with the word “summer?”
Fira: Sure! Pada musim panas, banyak orang yang berjemur di pantai Bondi.
Becky: "In the summer, many people are sunbathing on Bondi beach."
Fira: And here are the other seasons: “spring” is musim semi; "fall" is musim gugur; and "winter" is musim dingin.
Becky: Okay, our next phrase is...
Fira: ...panas sekali.
Becky: Meaning "very hot."
Fira: We use this phrase only to describe a hot temperature, not whether something is spicy or popular. To describe something that’s very cold, we say dingin sekali, with dingin meaning “cold.” You can also say, hangat sekali, meaning “very warm.”
Becky: Please note that the intensifier, “very,” is placed after the adjective, not before as we do in English. Fira, can you give us an example with this phrase?
Fira: Of course! Kopi ini panas sekali.
Becky: Meaning, "This coffee is very hot." Okay, now onto our main grammar points.
Becky: In this lesson, we'll learn about using possessive pronouns, such as my, your, and his.
Fira: That’s right. In the dialogue, Maya said, Di mana topi saya?
Becky: Meaning, “Where's my hat?”
Fira: Possessive pronouns are words that indicate belonging, and in Indonesian they’re placed after the noun, unlike in English. Also, in Indonesian, subjective pronouns, such as “I,” are the same as objective pronouns, such as “me.”
Becky: Let’s go through each of the pronouns. Fira will give you the Indonesian word, and I’ll give you the English translation. Let’s begin…
Fira: Saya.
Becky: “My.”
Fira: Kamu.
Becky: “Your.”
Fira: Dia.
Becky: “His or her.” There’s no separate pronoun to distinguish between male and female in the third person singular.
Fira: Kami.
Becky: “Our.”
Fira: Mereka.
Becky: “Theirs.” Okay, let’s use these words in some example sentences. Again, Fira will give you the sentence in Indonesian, and I’ll give you the English translation.
Fira: Ini buku saya.
Becky: “This is my book.”
Fira: Ini buku kamu.
Becky: “This is your book.”
Fira: Ini buku kami.
Becky: “This is our book.”
Fira: Ini buku dia.
Becky: “This is his book.” Or, it could be, “This is her book,” depending on the context.
Fira: Ini buku mereka.
Becky: “This is their book.” If you remember, when using a plural noun, repeat the word twice and then add the possessive pronoun. Fira, let’s see an example with a plural noun.
Fira: Ini buku-buku saya.
Becky: Meaning, “These are my books.” And here’s another one.
Fira: Apakah ini sepatu-sepatu kamu?
Becky: “Are these your shoes?”
Fira: There’s another way to indicate possession when the noun is plural, and this is used in more casual situations.
Becky: Instead of repeating the noun twice, you insert the word for “all.”
Fira: Thats right, we use semua to indicate “all.” For example, Ini semua buku saya.
Becky: Meaning, “These are all my books.”
Fira: Or, ini semua sepatu kamu?
Becky: Meaning, “Are all of these your shoes?” Note that Fira didn’t repeat the noun twice to show that it was plural; she just used the word “all.” Well, that’s all for now. Be sure to check out the lesson notes for more examples.
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Becky: Thanks for listening, everyone. We’ll see you next time!
Fira: Sampai jumpa lagi!