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Lesson Transcript

Halo semuanya, nama saya Fira. Hi everybody! I’m Fira.
Welcome to IndonesianPod101.com’s “Bahasa Indonesia dalam 3 menit”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Indonesian.
In the last lesson, we learned some words used when apologizing in Indonesian, including permisi and maaf. In this lesson we are going to learn numbers in Indonesian.
Yes, numbers! iya, nomor! From one to ten. And you are going to learn them in only three minutes, tiga menit!
Are you ready? Let’s start!
[slowly] satu.
[slowly] dua.
[slowly] tiga.
[slowly] empat.
[slowly] lima.
[slowly] enam.
[slowly] tujuh.
[slowly] delapan.
[slowly] sembilan.
[slowly] sepuluh.
Okay, now repeat after me. I'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one.
1. Satu
2. Dua
3. Tiga
4. Empat
5. Lima
6. Enam
7. Tujuh
8. Delapan
9. Sembilan
10. Sepuluh
Great job!
What is before satu? Do you know?
[slowly] nol.
You don’t have any more excuses! You can give your friends your cell phone number in Indonesian!
Let’s try together.
We’ll use the phrase Nomor telepon saya, which means “my phone number is:”
[slowly] Nomor telepon saya.
Nomor telepon saya,
Nol, Delapan, Satu, Lima, Satu, Dua, Tujuh, Empat, Tiga, Sembilan, Enam, Delapan.
Can you read it by yourself?
0815 1274 3968
Now it’s time for Fira’s Insights.
When we go to the bank in Indonesia, we sometimes have to stand in line with a number. When it's your turn to check out, they scream nomor satu!! nomor sepuluh! and so on. Learn your numbers well so you can be ready!
Do you know the Indonesian word for one hundred? In the next lesson we are going to learn the numbers from ten and above in Indonesian. Your task now is to practice the numbers we studied in this lesson, from satu to sepuluh!!
Sampai jumpa lagi!


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