Vocabulary (Review)
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Learn how to discuss your hobbies
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
Hi everyone, I'm Windy Anggraini. |
Hai semua, saya Windy Anggraini. |
Welcome to another Indonesian Whiteboard lesson. |
In this lesson, you'll learn a list of common hobbies in Indonesian. |
Hobbies can be great fun and help you start a conversation. |
Okay, let's look at the vocabulary for common hobbies. |
First, we have some verbs. |
membaca |
to read |
membaca |
Next |
berenang |
to swim |
berenang |
memasak |
to cook |
memasak |
Next |
menari |
to dance |
menari |
memancing |
is to fish |
memancing |
Next |
berlari |
to run |
berlari |
Next, we have |
bepergian |
to travel |
bepergian |
berkemah |
to go camping |
berkemah |
Next |
berbelanja |
to go shopping |
berbelanja |
berolah raga |
to play sports |
berolah raga |
Next |
memotret |
to take pictures |
memotret |
Now let's move on to the verb phrases. |
First, we have |
menonton televisi |
to watch TV |
menonton televisi |
Next, we have |
bermain game |
to play video games |
bermain game |
Last, we have |
mendengarkan musik |
to listen to music |
mendengarkan musik |
Let's look at the dialogue. |
Two friends are chatting, and one is asking the other one about his hobbies. |
While I read, I want you to pay attention and see if you recognize |
any of the hobbies we just learned. |
Apa hobi kamu? |
What is your hobby? |
Saya suka berkemah. |
I like to go camping. |
Now, let's look at some more examples of people talking about their hobbies. |
Saya suka membaca. |
I like to read. |
Saya suka membaca. |
Saya suka bermain game. |
I like to play video games. |
Saya suka bermain game. |
You might also hear people pronounce game with the English pronunciation game. |
From all the examples, |
we can see there's a common pattern you can use |
when talking about things that you like to do. |
Saya suka verb or verb phrases. |
I like verb or verb phrases. |