Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone!
I'm Windy.
Saya Windy.
Welcome to the Indonesian Whiteboard Lessons.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to give your phone number in Indonesian.
Let's get started!
Okay, let's look at the vocabulary.
Next we have nol, 0.
Next we have satu, 1.
Next we have dua, 2, tiga, 3, empat, 4,
lima, 5, enam, 6,
next tujuh, 7
delapam, 8, last we have. sembilan, 9
Okay, let's look at the dialogue.
When I read, I want you to pay attention to the phone number.
Find the phone number and see how it's used in the dialogue.
This is a conversation between Rukmono and Rukmi.
Boleh saya minta nomor telpon anda?
Nomor saya nol delapan satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh.
Can you give me your phone number?
My number is 0812 34567
Now let's look at the sentence pattern.
This pattern will be the structure that our dialogue follows.
For positive form, we say nomor saya number.
My number is number.
For negative form, we say nomor saya bukan number.
My number is not number.
Indonesian does not have any gender-specific grammatical rules, so there are no masculine
and feminine forms to worry about.
Some people say kosong instead of nol when telling their phone number.
Kosong is grammatically incorrect in this context, but it is used quite often.

