
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Hi everyone, this is Becky! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1, Lesson 20 – Is The Indonesian Traffic Making You Late? In this lesson, you’ll learn to talk about obligations using “should have”.
Fira: Hallo! This is Fira. Welcome to the lesson.
Becky: The conversation is between Andi and Lisa, who are at a meeting.
Fira: They're good friends, so they'll be using informal Indonesian.
Becky: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Andi: Lisa, mohon maaf, jalanan sangat macet dan semua lampu lalu lintas tampaknya menyala merah lebih lama dari biasanya.
Lisa: Aku tidak percaya hal ini, Andi. Satu jam terlambat, kamu keterlaluan!
Andi: Aku telah mengirimkan pesan mengenai keterlambatanku.
Lisa: Kamu seharusnya mengirimkan pesan sebelum waktu yang ditentukan!
Andi: Karena itu aku sungguh meminta maaf, itu merupakan kesalahanku.
Lisa: Jika kamu berangkat lebih awal, kamu tidak akan terlambat.
Andi: Sekali lagi maaf, kita berangkat sekarang?
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Andi: Lisa, mohon maaf, jalanan sangat macet dan semua lampu lalu lintas tampaknya menyala merah lebih lama dari biasanya.
Lisa: Aku tidak percaya hal ini, Andi. Satu jam terlambat, kamu keterlaluan!
Andi: Aku telah mengirimkan pesan mengenai keterlambatanku.
Lisa: Kamu seharusnya mengirimkan pesan sebelum waktu yang ditentukan!
Andi: Karena itu aku sungguh meminta maaf, itu merupakan kesalahanku.
Lisa: Jika kamu berangkat lebih awal, kamu tidak akan terlambat.
Andi: Sekali lagi maaf, kita berangkat sekarang?
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Andi: Lisa, mohon maaf, jalanan sangat macet dan semua lampu lalu lintas tampaknya menyala merah lebih lama dari biasanya.
Becky: Lisa, so sorry. The traffic jam was awful, and all the traffic lights seemed to turn red for longer than usual.
Lisa: Aku tidak percaya hal ini, Andi. Satu jam terlambat, kamu keterlaluan!
Becky: I can't believe this, Andi. One hour late, you're unbelievable!
Andi: Aku telah mengirimkan pesan mengenai keterlambatanku.
Becky: I sent messages about my lateness.
Lisa: Kamu seharusnya mengirimkan pesan sebelum waktu yang ditentukan!
Becky: You should've sent the messages before the appointment time!
Andi: Karena itu aku sungguh meminta maaf, itu merupakan kesalahanku.
Becky: That's why I really apologize, it was my mistake.
Lisa: Jika kamu berangkat lebih awal, kamu tidak akan terlambat.
Becky: If you had left earlier, you would've arrived on time.
Andi: Sekali lagi maaf, kita berangkat sekarang?
Becky: Sorry once again, shall we go now?
Becky: Apparently Andi was very late to meet with Lisa because of a severe traffic jam. Fira, are the traffic jams in Jakarta really that terrible?
Fira: Yes, I'm afraid so. The Ministry of Public Works has revealed that the growth of roadways is not quite enough to match the increasing use of personal vehicles in the street. People use them because public transportation is still not good enough for all the people in Jakarta.
Becky: I see. So what are the possible solutions provided by local government of Jakarta?
Fira: Joko Widodo, has tried to reduce the number of personal vehicles on the street by raising the vehicle taxes, parking fines, and restricting the busway lane so that personal vehicles can't use it.
Becky: He also initiated a project to build Mass Rapid Transportation to cover the area between South and Central Jakarta. The idea of utilizing water transportation is also being considered. Seems like a lot of homework for local government. I hope the traffic jams can be solved.
Fira: Yes, let’s hope so. The traffic sometimes gets worse when it rains because of flooding. There are so many things to do and fix!
Becky: It definitely sounds like it. Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Vocab list
Becky: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Fira: macet [natural native speed]
Becky: traffic jam
Fira: macet [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: macet [natural native speed]
Fira: lampu lalu lintas [natural native speed]
Becky: traffic light
Fira: lampu lalu lintas [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: lampu lalu lintas [natural native speed]
Fira: lebih lama [natural native speed]
Becky: longer
Fira: lebih lama [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: lebih lama [natural native speed]
Fira: percaya [natural native speed]
Becky: to believe
Fira: percaya [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: percaya [natural native speed]
Fira: minta maaf [natural native speed]
Becky: to apologize
Fira: minta maaf [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: minta maaf [natural native speed]
Fira: kesalahan [natural native speed]
Becky: mistake
Fira: kesalahan [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: kesalahan [natural native speed]
Fira: tiba [natural native speed]
Becky: to arrive
Fira: tiba [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: tiba [natural native speed]
And Last:
Fira: lebih awal [natural native speed]
Becky: earlier
Fira: lebih awal [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: lebih awal [natural native speed]
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira: Let’s start with kesalahan.
Becky: It's a noun, meaning "mistake" in English. In the dialogue it refers to Andi’s mistake that makes Lisa wait too long.
Fira: It comes from the root word salah, an adjective meaning "false," with the particle ke-an added. As we've discussed before, adjectives become nouns when the particle ke-an is added.
Becky: I see, can you tell us the opposite of this word?
Fira: Sure! The opposite of salah, or "false," is benar, or "true." With ke-an added, it becomes the noun kebenaran, meaning "the truth." Let’s say you see police investigating at a crime scene, you'll say, Polisi sedang menyelidiki kebenaran kasus ini.
Becky: "The police are investigating the truth of this case." Is it correct?
Fira: Correct! Let’s see another example. Tenang is an adjective, meaning "quiet." Add ke-an and it becomes ketenangan, for "serenity" or "calm" as a noun. Ketenangan sangat dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi ujian.
Becky: "Calm is needed when facing an examination." How about the word tiba?
Fira: Well, tiba means "arrive" in English, and it indicates a verb. Let’s use the example, Barang yang dia pesan sudah tiba.
Becky: "The items he ordered have arrived." What’s the last word?
Fira: It’s macet meaning "traffic jam"?
Becky: It actually refers to something that's stuck and can't move forward. But in daily life, it's mostly associated with traffic jams. Okay, now let’s move on to the grammar.
Becky: In this lesson, you’ll learn to express the necessity of events that didn't happen using "should have."
Fira: In the sentence, Kamu seharusnya sudah mengirimkan pesan, the expression seharusnya, or “should have,” is used to urge necessity, it's a modal verb of obligation.
Becky: I see, so how do we say the obligation “should have” in Indonesian then?
Fira: Well, you may follow this simple pattern, subject + seharusnya + verb.
Becky: For example, if you’re reminding someone of the importance of a file you needed to receive last week, but are just receiving now, you can say…
Fira: Kamu seharusnya mengirimkan file itu minggu lalu.
Becky: "You should have sent me the file last week." Another example is when you see your colleague has not arrived at the office, you may say….
Fira: Dia seharusnya sudah sampai di kantor sekarang.
Becky: "He should have arrived at the office by now." Can you tell us how to say “should” in its basic form in Indonesian, please Fira?
Fira: Well, it would be sebaiknya, which is mostly used to give advice. There are many ways to give advice, but you can use this simple pattern, subject + sebaiknya + verb.
Becky: Let’s hear it in a sentence please.
Fira: No problem. For example, let’s say you see your brother eating too many cookies. You can say Kamu sebaiknya tidak makan terlalu banyak kue.
Becky: "You should not eat too many cookies." Let’s break this down, “you” is …
Fira: … kamu
Becky: Next is the word “should not”
Fira: … sebaiknya tidak
Becky: And the verb “eat” is …
Fira: … makan
Becky: And the next word “too many” is …
Fira: … terlalu banyak
Becky: And the last word “cookies” is …
Fira: … kue


Becky: Well dear listeners, that’s it for describing modal verbs using “should”! Thank you very much for staying with us, we do hope you enjoyed the lesson! Don’t forget to check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you again next time!
Fira: Sampai jumpa lagi!

