
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Hi everyone. Jason here! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 22 - Indonesian Fried Chicken and Massages – a Match Made in Heaven.
Fira:Hello everyone! I'm Fira.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn more about the words Ini and itu, which mean ‘this’ and ‘that’ respectively in Indonesian.
Fira:The conversation takes place at a restaurant, and it’s between Edi, Budi and Dewi. It’s in informal Indonesian.
Jason:Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Jason:In the dialogue, they are talking about the chicken in Ny. Suharti's restaurant. What’s so special about their chicken?
Fira:In the restaurant, the chicken, called ayam goreng, is cooked in a combination of spices and a large amount of green coconut water. The coconut water contains a few different types of sugar, so it adds a lot of flavor. Another thing is that the chicken is simmered until the water has evaporated.
Jason:Wow, that sounds delicious already!
Fira:And they quickly cook the chicken while simmering it. So it gets very crisp and savory on the outside, and flavorful and moist inside.
Jason:And they usually serve it with lalapan, right?
Fira:That’s right. I love lalapan.
Jason:It’s like an Indonesian version of crudités. Instead of ranch dressing or sour cream, the raw vegetables are dipped in various chili sauces, which we call sambal.
Fira:I hope our listeners can get a chance to have this special chicken with lalapan!
Jason:I want to try some too! Okay, onto the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:The first word is enak.
Jason:It means ‘Delicious’. But other than that, it has another meaning. It also means ‘pleasant’.
Fira:That’s why in the dialogue, Edi used the word ‘Enak’ to refer to massages.
Jason:Okay, let’s see how you can use this word to describe flavours or things that are pleasant. Fira, how do you say ‘Fried chicken is delicious.’?
Fira:Ayam goreng enak.(slow) Ayam goreng enak. It’s a verb, so you can simply add it after the noun.
Jason:Then how do you say “The weather is pleasant”?
Fira:Cuacanya enak. (slow) Cuacanya enak.
Jason:Right. It can be used for anything that you find pleasant, not just food. Okay, what’s the next word?
Fira:sekali (slow)sekali
Jason:It means “very” in English. We’ve learned it in lesson 17. When you use it, you can simply place it after the stative verb. For example, how do you say ‘Very delicious’ in Indonesian?
Fira:enak sekali (slow) enak sekali
Jason:And also there’s another word meaning ‘very’.
Fira:That’s right. It’s banget (slow) banget
Jason:So what’s the difference between these two, Fira?
Fira:Well, banget is the more casual version. If you want to sound friendly then you can use the word banget. However, you need to use sekali if you are in a formal situation.
Jason:Okay, now let’s move onto the grammar.
Fira:In this lesson, we’re going to learn more about the words ini and itu.
Jason:We’ve learned about these in previous lessons. So let’s review quickly before learning something new about them.
Fira:Ok – ini means ‘this’ and itu means ‘that’.
Jason:So Fira, how do you say ‘this is a car’?
Fira:Ini mobil
Jason:Then what about ‘this car’? Shouldn’t it be the same?
Fira:Actually, no. When you use it to mean “this” as in “this car”, not a pronoun, you need to change the order. So in Indonesian, “this car” is ‘mobil ini’ (slow) mobil ini.
Jason:So ini mobil means ‘This is a car’ and mobil ini means “this car”, right?
Fira:Right. Also, in this case, you don’t have a complete sentence.
Jason:And it’s the same with the word ‘itu’ meaning ‘that’. Fira, how do you say ‘that person’?
Fira:It’s orang itu. (slow) O-rang itu.
Jason:What about ‘these children’?
Fira:Anak ini. (slow) A-nak i-ni.
Jason:Now, let’s make this a little more complicated – by including some stative verbs in these expressions. How do you say ‘that beautiful person’?
Fira:It’s still quite simple. “Beautiful person” is ‘Orang Cantik’. So you can simply add the word ‘itu’ at the end. So you can say orang cantik itu to mean ‘that beautiful person.’
Jason:Let’s try another example. Fira, how do you say, ‘this tall tree’?
Fira:‘This tall tree’ is pohon tinggi ini. (slow) Pohon tinggi ini.
Jason:Okay, now for one last question. How do you say ‘those delicious mangoes’?
Fira:Mangga-mangga enak itu. (slow) Mangga-mangga enak itu.


Jason:Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Fira:Thank you for listening everyone.
Jason:See you next time!

