
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Hi everyone. Jason here! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 21 - How Many Indonesian Friends Do You Have?
Fira:Hi, I’m Fira. In this lesson, we’re going to learn the verb to be, ada.
Jason:The informal conversation takes place at a restaurant, and it’s between Edi and Budy. They are talking about Yogya, a city in Indonesia in informal Indonesian.
Fira:Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Fira:It seems like Edi has many friends in different places.
Jason:Right. And in the dialogue, we heard a new place name – Papua.
Fira:Papua is on the western half of the island, known as New Guinea.
Jason:Right. And I heard that it was originally a part of the Dutch east indies and later became a part of Indonesia after independence.
Fira:However, Papua is only half of the island of New Guinea. The other half became a country named Papua New Guinea.
Jason:So when you say Papua in Indonesian, it doesn’t mean Papua New Guinea. It means the province named Papua on the same island but in the Indonesian territories.
Fira:Right, so don’t get confused.
Jason:And I heard that the people and cultures there are quite different even though they are on the same island.
Fira:That’s right. It’s because of the immigration policies in the past. The government moved people from various areas with higher density, to other places such as Papua, so now you can see more diversity in the province.
Fira:That’s right, so now in Papua you might find a number of communities of Javanese and Balinese who are still making a living there.
Jason:Papua isn’t the only place where this happened – it also happened on Sulawesi, for example. Ok, now let’s check the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:In this lesson, we’re going to learn “ordinal numbers”. What are they exactly, Jason?
Jason:Ordinal numbers are numbers which indicate ranking such as ‘First, second, third, and fourth’ in English. So let’s look at them one by one. Fira, how do we say ‘first’?
Fira:This may be the trickiest one in the series, as it has nothing to do with the number for ‘one’. As we learned, ‘One’ is satu. But ‘first’ is something completely different. It’s pertama. (slow) Per-ta-ma.
Jason:Then what about “second”?
Fira:Kedua. (slow) Ke-du-a.
Jason:Then “Third”?
Fira:Ketiga. (slow) Ke-ti-ga.
Jason:Okay, just one more. “Fourth”?
Fira:Keempat. (slow) Ke-empat.
Jason:It seems like all of them have the prefix ‘ke-’.
Fira:Right. Kedua, Ketiga, and Keempat. They all start with ke.
Jason:Indonesian has a prefix for forming ordinal numbers, which is ke-. So, when you attach this prefix to the regular numbers, you get the ordinal numbers.
Fira:The exception is pertama which means “First”.
Jason:Okay. So listeners, it’s time for Quiz. We’ll give you the number in Indonesian first.
Fira:And the first one is keduapuluh dua. (slow) keduapuluh dua.
Jason:Did you get the meaning? It means “Twenty second”.
Fira:Right. ‘Twenty-two’ is duapuluh dua, so the “twenty-second” would be keduapuluh dua.
Jason:Simply add the prefix Ke. Now could you give us the next one, Fira?
Fira:Sure. Kesebelas (five sec)
Jason:And the answer is ‘eleventh.’
Fira:“Eleven” is sebelas, so ‘eleventh’ would be kesebelas.
Jason:If you know the Indonesian numbers correctly, you can simply add the prefix ‘ke’ and make them ordinal numbers. Okay, now let’s go to the grammar point.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about the verb ‘ada’ .
Fira:It means ‘there is’ or ‘to be’ in English.
Jason:Okay, let’s take a look at some examples and learn how this verb can be used. Fira, how do you say ‘There is a car’ in Indonesian?
Fira:Ada mobile. (Slow) Ada mobil. Ada means ‘There is’ so you can simply put it in front of the noun ‘Mobil’ which means ‘a car’.
Jason:Okay, then what about ‘there is a person.’?
Fira:Person is ‘Orang’ in Indonesian, so you can say ‘Ada orang’ (slow) Ada orang.
Jason:And that’s not the only meaning of Ada. There is another special meaning - “to have”.
Fira:We’ve already learned the verb ‘Punya’ which means ‘to have.’ Punya is a very common verb of possession. But sometimes, people use the verb ada to indicate possession as well.
Jason:That’s right. For example, if you want to say ‘I have a car’, you can say...
Fira:Saya Ada mobil. It’s pretty simple. All you have to do is to mention a subject like Saya, then you put the verb ada and then the item or person.
Jason:And in this case, the subject HAS to be there in the sentence.
Fira:Otherwise, if you just have ada mobil, then that only means ‘there’s a car’. So when there’s subject in a sentence, ada means ‘to have’. Otherwise, it means ‘there is’.
Jason:Okay, then let’s look at some more examples. How do you say ‘Wayan has a bike’?
Fira:‘Bike’ is sepeda in Indonesian, so you can say “Wayan ada sepeda”. (slow) Wayan ada sepeda.
Jason:Now, let’s ask some questions. How do we do this using ada?
Fira:This is pretty simple – all you have to do is to put our question word, apa at the beginning of a sentence.
Jason:Okay, so how do you say ‘Does Wayan have a bike?’
Fira:Apa Wayan ada sepeda? (slow) Apa Wayan ada sepeda? It’s also simple. You can just add Apa at the beginning.
Jason:Okay. Let’s try just one more. How do you ask, “Does Budi have children?”
Fira:Apa Budi ada anak? (slow) Apa Budi ada anak?
Jason:All you have to do is to put the question word apa before ada!


Jason:Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Fira:Thank you for listening everyone.
Jason:See you next time!

