
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Hi everyone. Jason here! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 19 - Traveling Around Indonesia.
Fira:Hello everyone! I'm Fira
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about prepositions in Indonesian.
Fira:The conversation takes place at a hotel lobby, and it’s between Edi and his friend Tuti. They speak the formal Indonesian.
Jason:Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Jason:Indonesia is an extremely large country. It has many islands and ethnic groups.
Fira:Right. It has about 17,000 islands of various sizes.
Jason:That’s a LOT.
Fira:And Jason, do you know how many languages are spoken in Indonesia?
Jason:I know the answer actually. It should be more than 700 different languages, right?
Fira:That’s right. And it’s not dialects. It’s languages.
Jason:And about the ethnic groups, I know that there are at least four hundred different ethnic groups.
Fira:And the Toraja was one of them. They live in the inland regions of the island of Sulawesi, which was formerly called the Celebes.
Jason:And I read that they had a special funeral ceremony with the water buffalo.
Fira:Right. The toraja consider water buffaloes extremely valuable, so usually during a funeral, hundreds of water buffalo are sacrificed and the meat divided to be shared within the entire community.
Jason:Right. And people consider death as sleeping, so they usually place the body inside a remote cave, in a sitting position.
Fira:If you visit there, you might be able to see a big funeral ceremony too.
Jason:It sounds interesting! Okay, now let’s check the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:The first word is pergi.
Jason:It means ‘to go.’ Fira, I thought we already learned how to say ‘to go’ in Indonesian?
Fira:Well, kind of. Do you remember the phrase mau kemana?
Jason:Yep, it means ‘where are you going?’.
Fira:But it didn’t actually have the verb meaning ‘to go’. We only had mau meaning ‘to want’.
Jason:Right. So now it’s time to learn the verb.
Fira:You can use this verb when you want to highlight that someone is physically going somewhere.
Jason:So basically, you should have a destination when you use this word.
Fira:In the dialogue, we have this phrase – Mau pergi ke mana? which means ‘Where do you want to go?’
Jason:To answer this question, you should name the destination.
Fira:And here’s one more thing. It’s fine to use this verb to name any destination. But when you talk about “going home”, you should use a different verb.
Jason:Which one?
Fira:It’s pulang. (slow) pulang. It actually means ‘going home’, and you can use it on its own.
Jason:That’s handy! Ok, now let’s check the grammar point.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn prepositions in Indonesian.
Fira:The first one is ‘ke’ meaning ‘to’ or ‘towards’.
Jason:You can use this one to indicate where you’re going to.
Fira:And in the dialogue, we used it as ‘kemana’. (slow) kemana. The word kemana is usually used in ‘Mau Kemana’.
Jason:which means ‘where do you want to go?’ Literally, ke means ‘to’ and mana means ‘where’. So All together, it means ‘to where’.
Fira:Let’s look at some examples.
Jason:How do you say ‘to Indonesia’, Fira?
Fira:Ke In-do-ne-si-a. Ke In-do-ne-si-a.
Jason:Then how do we say ‘to the Keraton’?
Fira:Ke Keraton. (slow) Ke Ke-ra-ton.
Jason:Let’s have some more examples with popular place names. How do you say ‘to the bank’?
Fira:Ke bank. (slow) Ke bank.
Jason:And ‘to the Hotel’ is?
Fira:Ke hotel. (slow) Ke ho-tel.
Jason:It’s very simple. Okay, now let’s move to the next proposition. What’s the next one, Fira?
Fira:It’s di. (slow) Di
Jason:It means ‘in’ or ‘at’. Now, let’s check some examples. How do you say ‘in Indonesia’?
Fira:It’s simple. ‘To Indonesia’ was ‘ke Indonesia’, right? ‘in Indonesia’ is simply “di Indonesia”. (slow) Di In-do-ne-si-a.
Jason:What about ‘at the bank’?
Fira:Di bank. (slow) Di bank.
Jason:So just like in English, you can use the preposition ke when you’re heading to some place. Other than that, you can use di to refer to places in Indonesian.


Jason:Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Fira:Thank you for listening everyone.
Jason:See you next time!

