
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Hi everyone. Jason here! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 18 - What Kind of Indonesian Mangoes Would You Like?
Fira:Hello everyone! I'm Fira.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about the word yang which means “that” or “who”. You can hear this word almost every day in Indonesia.
Fira:The conversation takes place at a traditional market. It’s between Edi and a market vendor. It’s in the formal Indonesian.
Jason:Okay. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jason:So in the dialogue, Edi is going out to get some tropical fruit. And I think Indonesia is a pretty good place to eat nice fruit, right?
Fira:That’s right. Indonesia’s a tropical country, so you can expect to see a lot of tropical fruit for sale.
Jason:What kind of tropical fruit can you have?
Fira:Well, I can say bananas, which are called pisang in Indonesia, – and various types of citrus, which are all called jeruk.
Jason:So this word can refer to the family of fruit that include oranges, limes, and lemons, right? The citrus family?
Fira:That’s correct. We also have a lot of what Edi was looking for in the dialogue – mangoes, which are called mangga. But we also have more ‘exotic’ fruits too.
Jason:Oh yeah? Like what?
Fira:Well, there’s the “soursop” known as sirsak in Indonesian, which looks like a spiny green football and has soft, white flesh.
Jason:There’s also guava, right?
Fira:Right. we call it jambu.
Jason:Also, there’s the jackfruit, the largest fruit in the world.
Fira:Right. In Indonesian it is nangka. I saw one that weighed almost 70 lbs.
Jason:No kidding! Now let’s talk about another infamous tropical fruit – the durian...
Fira:Durian is a football-shaped fruit with woody spikes that can hurt you if you’re not careful! And it’s very well-known because of its pungent smell. But, it’s very delicious.
Jason:Right. It’s known as “the king of fruits”
Fira:And there’s also “the queen of fruits”. We call it manggis in Indonesian.
Jason:And “mangosteen” in English. Manggis are completely different from mangoes. It’s covered by a woody, purplish husk or shell. And if the manggis is not completely ripe, this shell is almost impossible to crack open without a strong knife.
Fira:But if it’s fully ripe, you just squeeze the top and the bottom of the fruit. There will be a star on the bottom which indicates how many segments there are in the fruit – and the shell will split open easily.
Jason:Hmm... this is making me so hungry now. So, let’s move on to the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about colors in Indonesian.
Jason:There’re some colors in the dialogue. The first one was
Fira:Hijau. (slow) Hi-jau.
Jason:It means “green”.
Fira:And the next one is Kuning (slow) Kuning
Jason:“Yellow.” Yellow is a very important color in many parts of the Indonesian culture. For example, many offerings and foods are dyed yellow. It’s not pure yellow, but more like the color of the turmeric roots, or mustard. And it symbolizes royalty and wealth.
Fira:That’s right. In fact, one of the most popular dishes at Indonesian parties is nasi kuning. You can have the cooked rice that has been dyed yellow with turmeric.
Jason:Oh, I love that dish! Now let’s see the next one.
Fira:It’s merah. (slow) merah
Jason:It means “red”. Fira, how do we use these colors in a sentence?
Fira:Well, these are stative verbs so you can simply put the color word after the noun.
Jason:Then how do you say ‘Yellow banana’?
Fira:Banana is pisang in Indonesian, so you can say Pisang kuning. (slow) Pi-sang ku-ning.
Jason:Okay. Then let’s go to the grammar point.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn the word Yang meaning ‘who’ or ‘that’.
Fira:It’s a very important word in Indonesian, since you hear it everywhere.
Jason:In Indonesian, yang is a word that is used to mark relative clauses in the language.
Fira:Can you explain what a relative clause is for the listeners Jason?
Jason:A relative clause is a clause that modifies a noun – so it’s much like what we would call the stative verbs in Indonesian or an adjective in English. In English, you can say ‘House ‘that’ is yellow’. Here, you can use the word ‘that’ to describe more about the word ‘House’. The Indonesian word yang works the same way.
Fira:Okay, let’s take some examples.
Jason:Fira, how do we say a “a house that is yellow”?
Fira:rumah yang kuning. (Slow) rumah yang kuning.
Jason:Here, Fira put the word ‘‘house’ first, then simply added ‘yang’, the word meaning ‘that’.
Fira:After that you can put words or sentences describing the main word.
Jason:Good. Now how do we say a ‘banana that’s ripe’?
Fira:Pisang is ‘banana’ in Indonesian. So you can say Pisang yang masak.(slow) Pi-sang yang ma-sak.
Jason:Let’s take the next one. How do you say a ‘person who is kind’?
Fira:Orang is the word for ‘Person’ and baik means ‘kind’. So you can say orang yang baik. (slow) O-rang yang ba-ik.
Jason:It looks simple, but here one thing to remember; the word Yang doesn’t have to appear with a noun all the time. This is because Indonesian is a language where you can leave a lot of things out. And in this case, we can also leave the main noun out from relative clauses.
Fira:And it’s not just pronouns, you don’t even need to mention the main word if you say yang.
Jason:Let’s take some examples. Fira, how do you say “I want ones that have green skin.’”
Fira:Saya mau yang dengan kulit hijau. And here, there’s no word meaning ‘ones’ or the name of fruit. You can just say Saya mau yang without the main word.
Jason:This is because we are still talking about the mangoes. When you’re talking about the same subject, you don’t have to say the main word. In English, we have to say ‘the ones that…’ But, in Indonesian, you can leave the noun out as long as you and everyone else understands what you’re talking about.
Fira:Ok let’s do some examples. Jason, can you guess what this means? Yang cantik. (slow) Yang cantik.
Jason:It means ‘the pretty person, right?
Fira:That’s right. I didn’t say orang which means ‘person’ but you can understand it because of the word cantik. Ok what about this one - Tuti mau yang hijau. (slow) Tuti mau yang hijau.
Jason:It means ‘Tuti wants one that is green.’ right?
Fira:Or you can say ‘Tuti wants a green one.’
Jason:Right. When you want a quick way to specify something out of a group of items, you can simply use yang then your chosen stative verb or color.


Jason:Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Fira:Thank you for listening everyone.
Jason:See you next time!

