
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Jason here! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 12 - How do you Get Around Indonesia?
Fira:Hello everyone! I'm Fira.
Jason:In this lesson, you’re going to learn how to negate things in Indonesian.
Fira:The conversation takes place at a hotel lobby.
Jason:And it’s between Edi and Tuti. They speak formal Indonesian.
Fira:Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Jason:Fira, let’s talk about transportations in Indonesian. I’ve heard of some methods of transportation in Solo in Central Java. What are they?
Fira:These are a type of covered pedicab. You go into the front covered carriage, and the becak driver pedals from the back. I feel sort of sorry for them – especially since they seem to work so hard when they’re hired.
Jason:It seems to me the becak drivers have it rough since the passengers have a built-in hood, while the driver has to wear something like a hat to shade himself. It could be really exhausting for someone who’s doing this all day to earn a living.
Fira:What else do you know, Jason?
Jason:Of course, there are buses and taxis around the main parts of major cities – those are no problem. However, if you’re stuck somewhere outside the main cities, you still have an option. One of them is called a kol or oplet, which is a type of mini-bus.
Fira:Yes, the kol. So, when you want to ride one of these things, you flag one down on its route, tell the driver your destination, and pay the fare when you get off.
Jason:Yeah – but what if you want to go somewhere they may not be able to go – for example, a little village or site where the road is either too small, or just plain inaccessible to something like a kol? What can we take then?
Fira:Well, there’s a relatively modern mode of public transportation called ojek.
Jason:Ojek is basically paying someone for a seat on a motorcycle to your destination. If you don’t have your own transportation, it’s sometimes the quickest way to get places – but it can get a little tricky sometimes.
Jason:Right – it’s just like a taxi, except this time, you’re riding on a motorcycle rather than in a car.
Fira:Okay, now on to the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:The first word is Punya. It means ‘to have’.
Jason:So we can use this verb when we just want to say that we have something. But Fira, didn’t we cover another one of these verbs in another lesson?
Fira:Yes, in lesson 10 We had the verb ADA.
Jason:Could you explain more about the difference between these two words?
Fira:Well, ada is the existential verb – in other words, you use this when you want to express something like ‘there is something something’, right?
Fira:Yeah, so in terms of ada being used as a possessive verb, it’s very informal. In more formal situations, you would use a word like punya. Basically, ADA is for informal, and PUNYA is for formal situations. Also, you can use PUNYA for physical things, while ADA for the abstract things.
Jasone Let’s try some examples. How do we say ‘I have a car’?
Fira:It’s Saya punya mobil. We used Punya in front of the object, because the car is a physical item.
Jason:Good, Then Fira, how do we say ‘I have time’?
Fira:Saya ada waktu. Saya ada waktu. Here, we used the word ADA because ‘time’ is an abstract thing.
Jason:Good to know. Okay, let’s move to the grammar point.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to negate things in Indonesian.
Fira:Yes, that is very important – in any language, not just Indonesian.
Jason:However, in Indonesian, negating things is actually a bit complex, so we’re going to learn about it in this lesson and the next one. First, what is our basic negation word in Indonesian?
Fira:The basic negation word in Indonesian is tidak. Ti-dak.
Jason:This can mean both ‘no’ and ‘not’ in Indonesian.
Fira:First, this word means ‘no’, so you can use it much like English ‘no’ – that’s relatively simple. The harder thing to remember is when it’s used as ‘not’ in English.
Jason:That’s right. Let’s take a couple of examples. How do we say, ‘I’m not walking?
Fira:Saya tidak jalan-jalan. Sa-ya ti-dak ja-lan-ja-lan. Remember – saya is ‘I’ or ‘me’, jalan-jalan means ‘to walk’. And between the subject and the verb, we used the word “tidak”. which is our negation word.
Jason:So basically, you can simply add the word right before the verb. Now, how do we say ‘I don’t want to go walking?’
Fira:Saya tidak mau jalan-jalan. Sa-ya ti-dak ma-u ja-lan-ja-lan. Remember that the word Tidak is used just before the word mau which means ‘to want’. So simply, tidak mau means ‘don’t want to do something”
Jason:Tidak should always be used with a verb – and only with a verb! Then, let’s see more examples. Fira, how do you say ‘I’m not hungry’ in Indonesian?
Fira:Tidak lapar. Ti-dak la-par. You can say Tidak in front of the verb lapar which means ‘hungry’
Jason:Literally you’d be saying “Not hungry”, which sounds a bit odd in English, but sounds perfectly fine in Indonesian. And there is also another form of saying ‘tidak.’
Fira:The first one is Nggak. Ng-gak. This might be a bit difficult for some of our listeners. That first consonant NG is a velar nasal, like the ‘N-G’ sound at the end of the word “sing”. Separate that sound, put it in the beginning, and then add gak after it. You’ll get this in the end. All together, Ng-gak.
Jason:And the next one is ...
Fira:ndak. N-dak. Ndak. Again, notice that we have a nasal consonant – this time, an ‘n’ – in the beginning of the word.
Jason:Okay, then let’s talk about another word. Let’s say... Edi is a teacher in an elementary school. In Indonesian, you can say
Fira:Mas Edi Guru.
Jason:What if he weren’t a teacher? How would you say that? Can we just add ‘tidak’?
Fira:You mean, Mas Edi tidak guru? That’s okay, but in this case, we should use another word, instead of the word ‘tidak.’
Jason:And that’s what we’re going to learn in the next lesson. Listeners, come back to see which word will be used!


Jason:Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Fira:Thank you for listening everyone.
Jason:See you next time!


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2013-03-25 18:30:00

Hi everyone!

How do you usually get around?

2024-08-31 00:18:35

Hi Bu Anita,

Thank you for your comment. You have tried many means of transportation in Indonesia ya. You even tried becak. 🙂



Team IndonesianPod101.com

2024-07-27 02:00:13

Hai semua,

Pada umumnya saya menyetir, tapi kalau saya suka lebih santai, saya naik taksi, angkot atau bis. Beberapa kali saya juga naik becak di Jakarta dan Medan, tapi saya lebih suka naik taksi atau menyewakan mobil dengan sopir.

2015-07-08 00:19:02

Hi Alzira,

Thanks for asking.

Tapi is used in daily conversations to formal situations.

While tetapi is only used in formal or polite situations. :wink:


Team IndonesianPod101.com

2015-07-05 21:21:32


Apa perbedaan antara kata "tapi" dan "tetapi"?


2014-06-30 11:43:15

Hello Laura,

Thank you for posting!

The word: sebenarnya (actually) is available in the Lesson Materials> Vocabulary List.

You can also find it in the dictionary, please check again and let us know if you found it :smile:

On the other hand, we will be adding the word for "transportation" (angkutan) soon.

Thank you for your feedback and patience.



Team IndonesianPod101.com

2014-06-23 13:40:16


From the dialogue I understand seberbanya to mean actually, and angkutan to mean transportation. Can you please explain why these words are not in the dictionary link supplied under the Indonesian resources tab please? I would like to add them to my word bank and flash cards as I have not come across them before... Thank you for your help, your service is definitely helping me to improve my Indonesian language skills.

2014-03-24 18:39:41

Hi Mazen,

Thanks for your comment.

So do you usually get around by taxi (taksi) and motorcycle (motor)?

What about subway and trains? are they common in your country?



Team IndonesianPod101.com

2014-03-23 19:14:35

by taxi and moto
