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Useful Phrases For a Phone Call
20 words
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Useful Phrases For a Phone Call
20 words
Berapa nomor teleponmu?
What's your phone number?
Saya mau menelepon kamu. Berapa nomor teleponmu?
I would like to call you. What's your phone number?
Saya akan menelepon lagi nanti.
I will call again later.
Apakah Anda ingin meninggalkan pesan?
Would you like to leave a message?
Aku akan meneleponmu.
I'll call you.
Maaf, ini dari mana?
Who is this, please?
Harap tunggu sebentar.
Please wait a moment.
Tolong hubungi lagi nanti.
Please call again later.
Maaf, salah sambung.
Sorry, wrong number.
Saya tidak dapat mendengar Anda dengan jelas.
I cannot hear you clearly.
Silakan tunggu.
Hold the line, please.
Nomor yang Anda hubungi saat ini sedang sibuk.
The line is busy.
Hubungan terputus.
The line is disconnected.
Ada telepon masuk.
The telephone is ringing.
Tolong angkat teleponnya.
Please answer the phone.
Saya akan menelepon Anda kembali.
I will call you back.
Bisakah Anda menghubungi nomor ini?
Could you call this number?
Nomor saya 556688.
My number is 556688.
Tadi kita sudah berbicara di telepon.
We talked on the phone.