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Top Indonesian Phrases for Travelers

Everybody knows about the beautiful beaches and temples of Bali. Millions of people flock there every year, and the island is developing at an incredible speed. Did you know, though, that there’s a whole lot more to Indonesia—frequently referred to as the country of 1,000 islands—than just Bali? And the beautiful thing for the tourist who wants to see it all is that the effort to promote the national Indonesian language has been enormously successful. The vast majority of Indonesians are perfectly bilingual in at least one local language as well as standard Indonesian. So the visitor with Indonesian phrases for travelers under their belt gets to avoid the hassle of learning multiple local languages, and instead gets to experience the... Show more

Count One, Count Many with Indonesian Numbers

I remember that one of the hardest things for me when I was actually living in Indonesia was using numbers automatically. Anybody can count through the numbers to ten in Indonesian—you can pick that up on the plane ride over. When you actually have to use these Indonesian numbers, though, things are probably a bit more tight. It’s probably hot, and there’s probably somebody behind you in line who doesn’t care at all that it’s your first time in an Indonesian restaurant. Can’t you just feel their gaze on the back of your head? Well, probably not, because Indonesians are famously polite and patient. Nevertheless, it’s not a situation you want to be in. You want to have those numbers down pat. And the best way to learn numbers in... Show more

How To Post In Perfect Indonesian on Social Media

You're learning to speak Indonesian, and it's going well. Your confidence is growing! So much so that you feel ready to share your experiences on social media—in Indonesian. At Learn Indonesian, we make this easy for you to get it right the first time. So, post like a boss with these phrases and guidelines, and get to practice your Indonesian in the process. 1. Talking about Your Restaurant Visit in Indonesian Eating out is often fun, and an experience you want to share. Post a suitable pic of yourself in the restaurant, and start a conversation on social media in Indonesian. Your friend will be amazed by your language skills...also perhaps your taste in restaurants! Indra eats out with his friends, posts an image of the restaurant,... Show more

Indonesian Remembrance Day: Hero’s Day in Indonesia

On National Heroes’ Day, Indonesians commemorate and honor all those who lost their lives in their 1945 battle against the British. Many people on both sides lost their lives, but in the end, Indonesia was able to remain free from Dutch colonial rule. This day is sometimes referred to as Warriors Day or National Hero Day. In this article, you’ll learn about the history of Heroes’ Day in Indonesia, how Indonesians observe it today, and some practical holiday vocabulary! At, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Heroes’ Day in Indonesia? On Indonesian Heroes’ Day, Indonesians commemorate the deaths of 16,000 Indonesian and 2,000 British... Show more

Sorry in Indonesian: Language-specific Phrases

When I was little, I always hated getting in trouble at a friend’s house. Something about being in a slightly unfamiliar environment made the feeling of shame and embarrassment ten times worse. It’s kind of the same when you have to apologize for something in a foreign language, right? You’re completely out of your comfort zone, to begin with, and now you’ve gone and messed something up to the point where you’ve got to rely on your language skills to get you out of trouble, and say sorry in the Indonesian language. Lucky for you, if you land into trouble in Indonesia, you’ve already got an advantage. Indonesians are extremely accommodating and are more often than not perfectly willing to let an altercation go without so much as a... Show more

How to Celebrate Batik Day in Indonesia

Indonesia celebrates national Batik Day each year in appreciation and admiration of the art of coloring clothing and other textiles via the Indonesian batik method, which has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage culture. In this article, you’ll learn more about what the unique Indonesian batik is, how Indonesians celebrate it, and why. In learning about this holiday, you’re gaining much insight into the rich culture and history of Indonesia—and we’re sure you’ll find the more familiar you are with Indonesian culture, the more fascinating the language will become! At, we hope to make every aspect of your learning journey both fun and informative! We think you’ll soon agree that National Batik Day fits the... Show more

Indonesian Body Language from Head to Toe

Have you ever seen those articles or vlogs that say things like "10 Things NEVER to do in Indonesia!" The ones with a big red X over a surprised-looking foreigner in the thumbnail? They kind of scare you, don’t they? You might worry that if there are so many things you can’t do in a foreign country, you might have to walk on eggshells to avoid offending people. What if you screw up with your Indonesian body language and make them dislike you? Well, that’s well out of the equation. Indonesians are extremely forgiving to people who accidentally commit some kind of cultural faux pas. And instead of a list of warnings, here’s a guide to the kind of Indonesian body language and body gestures you can expect to see and... Show more

Celebrating Indonesian Independence Day

Indonesian Independence Day is the most important holiday in the country, celebrated countrywide and even by Indonesians currently overseas. On Independence Day, Indonesians commemorate the signing and reading of its Declaration of Independence in 1945, freeing it from a long and terrible Dutch colonial period. Learn about the history of Indonesian Independence day with, and make your language-learning that much more meaningful. 1. History of Indonesian Independence Day Indonesia Independence Day is the celebration of when the country’s Declaration of Independence was signed and read in 1945. This text contains a declaration that the islands in the Archipelago unite into one sovereign country, thus... Show more

Indonesian Texting Slang: Indonesian Love SMS & More

It’s the goal of many language learners when they finally get to travel to a foreign country: "I’m going to immerse myself in the culture and have tons of local friends. I’ll only speak the local language, and I won’t use English at all!" Turns out it’s not the easiest goal to achieve. Once you start interacting directly with native Indonesian speakers, at some point you’re going to incur different expressions that your average dictionary won’t know the meaning of: Indonesian slang. Enter 21st century SMS slang, from Indonesian love SMS and beyond! The cool thing is, the more fluent you become with Indonesia internet slang and other texting slang, the more like a native you’ll feel and the more integrated you’ll be. Later, as you... Show more

July 23: How to Celebrate Children’s Day in Indonesia

Each year, Indonesia observes National Children’s Day (or more informally, National Kids Day). This is a day for Indonesians to remember the importance and indispensability of children for the country’s future, and the future of the world. Furthermore, Children’s Day is a good time to reflect on education in Indonesia, as well as children’s rights in Indonesia. Another benefit of realizing children’s potential on this day is urging an end to child exploitation in Indonesia. In learning about National Children’s Day, you’re allowing yourself a better glance at Indonesian culture, family values in Indonesia, and even the family system in Indonesia! Understanding a country’s culture is one of the most important steps in mastering its... Show more