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Life Event Messages: Happy Birthday in Indonesian & Beyond

There’s a lot to be said for being able to make good small talk in another language. Conversations can start up and keep going indefinitely with the right people. But what can you talk about? Perhaps you’ve tried talking about the weather and didn’t end up getting terribly far. Or perhaps you’ve already met someone in Indonesia and gotten along with them, but you don’t know what to talk about whenever you hang out. When something big happens in their life, you’ve got the perfect opening. For example, wishing them a happy birthday in Indonesian is a good way to open up new conversation topics (like what they want to do during this next year of their life, if they have special plans, etc.). Well-wishes, or ucapan in Indonesian, are... Show more

Talking Indonesia Weather: Bali, Indonesia Weather & More

Is your first thought of Indonesia a beach? Relaxing in the sunshine on a beautiful warm day, no matter the season? Indeed, the weather Jakarta, Indonesia (and the rest of the country) experiences can be delightful. Or perhaps it’s a blustery day, threading through stalled traffic on a motorbike as buckets of rain pour down from the heavens. (One of the reasons you should always keep up with Indonesian weather forecasts!) To be honest, the longer you visit Indonesia for, the more likely you are to experience both. Climate and weather in Indonesia can be extreme, so knowing what to expect from the weather in Indonesia all year long is essential. The question is, how well will you be able to describe these experiences in the local... Show more

Jumat Agung: Celebrating Good Friday in Indonesia

Good Friday in Indonesia, called Jumat Agung, is a major holiday for the country’s Christian population—it’s an even bigger holiday here than Easter! In this article, you’ll learn about the origins of certain Good Friday celebrations in Indonesia, what those celebrations look like today, and much more. Let’s get started! 1. What is Good Friday? Good Friday is a Christian holiday celebrated in many countries around the world, by both Protestants and Catholics. This holiday commemorates the death of Jesus on the cross, as well as his suffering beforehand, before finally celebrating his Resurrection on Easter. Catholics know this holiday as Trihari Suci, or "Easter Triduum." In Indonesia, Good Friday is a time of mati raga,... Show more

The 100 Most Useful Indonesian Adjectives in Every Category

Right now, in just five minutes, you can give your Indonesian vocabulary a super-size boost. In just one regular-sized article, we’ve prepared for you a fantastic overview of popular Indonesian adjectives, plus the top 100 Indonesian adjectives you need for any situation. Looking for an example of Indonesian adjectives at work? We have plenty of those, too. With the isolating grammar of the Indonesian language, simply reading a lot of example sentences with these popular Indonesian adjectives is a great way to naturally assimilate syntax and vocabulary. Table of Contents A Quick Overview of Indonesian Adjectives List of the Top 100 Indonesian Adjectives Modifying Adjectives Conclusion 1. A Quick Overview of Indonesian... Show more

The Best Netflix Indonesia Movies to Learn Indonesian

Read a couple of pop culture articles in English, and you’ll notice right away that Netflix is a pretty indelible part of Western entertainment these days. It’s almost like if you take a break from catching up on shows and movies, everybody will be speaking a totally different language when you come back. When you study a language, you’re going to be hard-pressed to avoid the pop culture that goes along with it. And on Netflix, Indonesia has tons of movies and TV series for you to enjoy already. But one of the biggest obstacles to people teaching themselves languages is convenience. Try to sign up for an Indonesian streaming service using an American bank card (and with shaky knowledge of Indonesian, at that) and you might want to... Show more

Your Ultimate Language Guide to Conjunctions in Indonesian

Many Indonesian learners who study Indonesian on their own forget—or rather, never learn—a certain conjunction despite its importance. Conjunctions in Indonesian (or any language, really) aren’t usually a topic of interest to many learners. Usually, they become accustomed to using alternate phrasings without having to take advantage of a conjunction. In fact, I’ve personally noticed that I tend to use one particular structure in all the foreign languages I study. But when writing a formal letter or trying to contact a local university in Indonesia, you’ll always have to go as fluff-free in your writing as possible—which is something you can’t fully accomplish without the use of conjunctions. It just goes to show that if you skip out... Show more

How to Celebrate the Indonesian Lunar New Year

One of the most important holidays in Indonesia for those of Chinese ethnicity, the Lunar New Year in Indonesia consists of many unique, traditional celebrations. In this article, you’ll learn about Chinese New Year festivities in Indonesia, read about common beliefs and symbolism, and gain a new set of handy Indonesian vocabulary for this holiday. At, it’s our aim to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative—starting with this article! Let’s get started. 1. What is the Chinese New Year in Indonesia? Every year around the beginning of February, ethnic Chinese in Indonesia celebrate Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year celebrations are full of traditions, especially that of... Show more

Indonesian Etiquette: Table Manners in Indonesia and More!

As many guidebooks will tell you, Indonesia is a happy country. The locals look on visitors with warmth and welcoming. But what happens when you get on their wrong side? To be honest, not much. It takes something really severe to bring Indonesians to confrontation. The worst thing that happens is that you get passed up for opportunities and friendships because people think you’re not that pleasant to be around. But that’s still awful! So to avoid a scenario like that, it’s important that you become familiar with etiquette in Indonesia. To help you out, we’ve put this article together for you, outlining everything you need to know about table manners in Indonesia and more. You may be surprised to know how far knowing just a little... Show more

Dates in Indonesia: Indonesian Calendar with Holidays and More

It’s 9 AM. You drive your motor scooter up to your favorite noodle soup place for breakfast, but with a cry of despair you find that it’s tutup—"closed." Scrawled on the sign is a phrase that you manage to make out as being "closed for national holiday." A national holiday? How were you supposed to know? This kind of situation is pretty common in Indonesia for foreigners. And one major cause can be traced to simple ignorance—not knowing how to talk about dates in Indonesian. It’s an easy skill to overlook when you’re juggling a bunch of Indonesian resources to get a handle on the different vocabulary words that seem to fill the air wherever you go. But it’s no less important for day-to-day life, and as it turns out, just a little... Show more

Family in Indonesia: How to Say Indonesian Mother and More!

Any language student is going to recognize this assignment: Write a paragraph about your family. Say how old each person is and give their names. Perhaps it’s a ho-hum writing prompt, but it serves a really important purpose. As it turns out, people talk about their families all the time—and they definitely ask others about theirs. In Asian cultures, the family usually plays a much more important role than it does in Western cultures. This makes it practical to know how to talk about the family tree in Indonesian, fluently. Are you aware of all the vocabulary and usage that you’ll need in order to truly understand how Indonesians talk about their Indonesian family tree? Below you’ll find all the information you need about Indonesian... Show more