Ascension Day of Jesus Christ in Indonesia

Indonesians celebrate Ascension Day, one of the most significant Christian holidays, each year with an array of traditions. The most notable traditions may be those surrounding the Cathedral Church (Jakarta), though celebrations for this Indonesia holiday do go beyond this. In this article, we’ll be going over celebrations as well as Ascension Day meaning in Indonesia.

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1. What is Ascension Day in Indonesia?

1- The Basics

Kenaikan Isa Almasih or Ascension Day is one of the important days of the Christian tradition that is celebrated forty days after Easter. According to the New Testament, on the 40th day after the resurrection, Jesus brought his disciples to the Mount of Olives to see Him go into heaven.

The Ascension Day of Isa Almasih is commonly mentioned as the Ascension Day of Jesus Christ by Christians. Isa Almasih is the title given to Jesus Christ in Al-Quran. Isa is “Jesus” in Arabic and Masih is “Messiah” in Arabic.

2- Is Ascension Thursday a Holy Day of Obligation?

So, is the Ascension a holy day of obligation? This is a common question regarding Ascension Thursday in Indonesia.

The answer is “yes.” This indicates that Indonesian Catholics are expected to go to the Mass service on this day at a Christ Cathedral (Jakarta or elsewhere).

2. When is Ascension Day?


The date of Ascension Day varies from year to year, as it is the fortieth day of Easter. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years.

  • 2019: May 30
  • 2020: May 21
  • 2021: May 13
  • 2022: May 26
  • 2023: May 18
  • 2024: May 9
  • 2025: May 29
  • 2026: May 14
  • 2027: May 6
  • 2028: May 25

3. Reading Practice: Indonesian Ascension Day Traditions

Taking Communion

How do Indonesians celebrate Ascension Day? Find out by reading the Indonesian text below, and find the English translation below it.

Tradisi yang lazim dilakukan oleh umat Kristen pada hari ini adalah ziarah makam. Sejak subuh, taman pemakaman umum sudah mulai dipenuhi orang yang ingin berziarah ke makam keluarga dan leluhur yang sudah meninggal dunia. Kesempatan ini dipakai untuk mendoakan arwah keluarga kepada Yesus dengan harapan agar mereka naik ke surga, sama seperti Kristus. Setelah berdoa, mereka melakukan prosesi tabur bunga di atas pusara.

Pada hari ini pun, umat Kristen menghadiri misa dan kebaktian di gereja. Kelompok-kelompok gereja, seperti kelompok pemuda dan anak-anak sekolah minggu, juga sering menggunakan hari libur ini untuk mengadakan kegiatan sosial yang diwarnai oleh semangat kenaikan Isa Almasih.

Libur nasional ini jatuh pada hari Kamis setiap tahunnya. Kesempatan ini digunakan oleh banyak orang yang tidak merayakan untuk berakhir pekan yang panjang dengan mengambil cuti di hari kejepit, yaitu hari Jumat, dan berjalan-jalan ke luar kota bersama keluarga.

The common tradition performed by the Christian on this day is visiting grave sites. From dawn, the public cemetery is crowded with people visiting the dead ancestors’ and family members’ graves. This opportunity is used to pray for the family members’ spirit to Jesus with the hope that they go to heaven, just like Christ. After praying, they continue with the procession of flower sowing on the grave.

On that day, Christians attend mass and service in church. The church groups, such as the youth group and the Sunday school students often use this holiday to hold social activities that are colored by the spirit of Ascension of Jesus Christ.

This public holiday is celebrated on Thursday each year. This opportunity is used by many people who don’t celebrate it to have a long weekend by taking leave on Friday, the day squeezed in between (or “sandwiched”), and having a trip out of town with the family.

4. Sunday School Activities for Ascension Day

What activities are often conducted by Sunday school students on the Ascension Day of Jesus Christ?

Usually Sunday school students attend a service in the classroom. In welcoming the Ascension of Jesus Christ, they conduct the service on the hilly land to appreciate the event of the ascension of Jesus into heaven. Another way to appreciate it is by releasing balloons into the air.

5. Useful Vocabulary for Indonesian Ascension Day

Image of Heaven

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Ascension Day in Indonesia!

  • Alkitab — “Bible”
  • Gereja Katedral Jakarta — “Jakarta Cathedral”
  • Misa — “Mass”
  • Surga — “Heaven”
  • Bukit Zaitun — “Mount of Olives”
  • Ekaristi — “Eucharist”
  • Pastor — “Pastor”
  • Injil — “Gospel”
  • Gereja — “Church
  • Umat — “Community”
  • Ibadah — “Worship”
  • Komuni — “Communion”

If you want to hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, check out our Ascension Day in Indonesia vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio file of its pronunciation.


Do you celebrate Ascension in your own country? If so, are celebrations similar or different from those in Indonesia? Let us know in the comments!

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